Montagna, città e aree interne in Italia: una sfida per le politiche pubbliche 10.4458/4526-01

Giuseppe Dematteis


Mountains, cities inland areas in Italy: a challenge for a public policies. – From the analysis of the national project about "inland areas" started by Fabrizio Barca in 2012, ex minister of the Territorial Cohesion, we will want to know the importance of the different meaning of the terms "inland areas" and "mountains" because very frequently we flatten the differences between the two. It is not only two reality that not coincide geographically, are also two concept really different.

The first part of this article will be dedicated to define this characters and their relevance for cohesion policies. The second part will consider the relations of interdependence of the cities with their hinterland mountains as a possible subject of political relations based on a reciprocity artificial ecosystem.

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