Geografia politica della Guinea post-Ebola [DOI: 10.19246/DOCUGEO2281-7549/201702_01]

Angelo Turco


A Political Geography of post-Ebola Guinea. Alpha Condè has been elected on November 2010, in the second round of the first free elections of the Republic of Guinea and actually on his second term. The President face a structurally complex situation. He took power after dictatorial regimes of Sèkou Tourè and Lansana Contè, lasted half a century. During his first term, the terrible disaster of the outbreak of Ebola prevents him to meet his program. At the present stage, Condè gives a firm geographical orientation to the government action, both internally giving a decisive importance to the reification of the territory (chantiers), and internationally, pushing the opportunities offered by a globalitarian globalisation on the geopolitical plan.


Guinea, elections, Ebola, transcalarity, geopolitics

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ISSN: 2281-7549

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