Dalla crisi economico-finanziaria alla geografia dell'incertezza. Mutamenti nel settore immobiliare e impatto sul territorio in alcune città italiane DOI: 10.4458/0740-06

Alessandro Ricci


In the course of the time, the concept of «uncertainty» has been investigated from different points of view. The aim of this article is to provide an interpretational key of present territorial process – first of all starting off by the example of Rome town in the real estate market, to make a comparison with other Italian cities – basing on the idea of «geography of uncertainty». Such a conceptual formulation will be associated with uneven developments and oscillatory movements of modern occidental economy.


globalization, economic-financial crisis, real estate market, territorial impacts, globalizzazione, crisi economico-finanziaria, impatto territoriale

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19246/dg.v0i1.25


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ISSN: 2281-7549

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